Welcome to Yxningens Camping & Café! 

Discover this little paradise! A genuine family campsite with a personal atmosphere and wonderful location at the beautiful lake Yxningen. A top place from many perspectives. For those who just want to be or who want to be active. Discover lake Yxningen by motorboat or take a dip in the unique fresh water. Our cozy café with outdoor terrace offers everything from breakfast and coffee & cookies to good pizzas or burgers.

We are looking forward to welcome you and contribute to your memorable stay with us! Most people who visit us, come back! 💛


  A wonderful experience
At our quiet and cosy campsite you can 'just be':
Enjoy the camping atmosphere and nature, swim at the swimming area, throw a rod, read a book ...
Nice to know that you don't have to do anything right now...

Water pleasure
Discover the wonderful lake Yxningen (31 km2).
Truly a paradise for water enthusiasts. Fantastic fishing waters, small uninhabited islands, the magical nature and the silence surprise you every time again.

Child friendly
We have a safe playground with the popular trampoline.
Children can go there independently and play with other children. Enjoy while the kids have fun!

In the middle of nature
The campsite is located next to a beautiful, large forest. Perfect for a hike in the wonderful nature. Depending on the season and weather, there are berries, strawberries or mushrooms to be found. If you are lucky, you will see moose, fallow deer or sea eagle.Tired after the hike? Jump in the clear, clean water and feel like a newborn! Grilling sausages above your own made fire makes the party complete!

Then a few more sights ......

Gusum (3 km)
Gusum is famous for the manufacture of brass products. It is said that the zipper was invented here. Do you want to know more? Feel free to visit Gusum's Bruksmuseum. In Gusum is a supermarket (every day from 9 am to 9 pm), cinema and outdoor padel court.

Ringarum (6 km)
Supermarket Mat nära dig (Mon-Fr 9-19h, Sat 10-15h, Son 11-14h).

Valdemarsvik (12 km)
Cozy little harbor town by the Baltic Sea's only fjord! There is much to do and experience. Visit the archipelago, the various viewpoints or surrounding nature reserves. For ice skating lovers, there is also an ice rink. 

Söderköping (28 km)
Both the city center and the Götakanal are worth a visit. From the canal it is possible to take the steps up to the nature reserve Ramunderberget and get a view over this charming city.

Ovriga turistiska tips:
Touristinformation about Östergötland
Industrilandskapet Norrköping: 43 km
Gamla Linköping: 70 km
Djurparken Kolmården: 70 km
Astrid Lindgrens Värld: 96 km
Stockholm: 206 km
Kalmar/Öland: 200/210 km

En härlig upplevelse
På vår lugna camping kan du ’bara vara’: Njuta av campingatmosfären och naturen, bada på badplatsen, kasta spö, läsa en bok... Skönt att inte behöva göra någonting!

Upptäck underbara sjön Yxningen (31 km2).
Verkligen ett paradis för vattenentusiaster. Fantastiskt fiskevatten, små obebodda öar, den magiska naturen och tystnaden överraskar dig varje gång pånytt.

Vi har en trygg lekplats med populär studsmatta.
Barn kan självständigt gå ditt och leka med andra barn. Njut medan barnen har kul!

Mitt i naturen
Campingen ligger intill en vacker, stor skog. Perfekt för en vandring i den underbara naturen.
Beroende på säsong och väder finns det bär, smultron eller svamp att hitta.
Om du har tur ser du älg, dovhjort eller havsörn.

Trött efter vandringen? Hoppa efter ett besök i bastun i det klara, rena vattnet och känn dig som nyfödd! Korvgrillning på grillplatsen gör festen komplett!

Sedan några fler sevärdheter......